• Thank You, Tom Conway!

    Tom Conway

    Waaaaay back in 2012, Tom Conway stepped up to lead what seemed like an insurmountable effort to more than a few of us – a DTN Scholarship fund. Well numbers don’t fib and the results are simply awesome, as you see below.We heard from one of the DTN Scholarship recipients directly (Bill Reynolds‘s grandson) – who by the way, is just one of DTN legacy students to get awards – on how we’ve made their UD matriculation possible and changed their lives for the better.NONE of this would have possible without Tom, whose top-rate money management skills and career as a trusted and very successful financial planner and analyst were put to great use.

    Tom is stepping down from this role and the DTN Alumni Leadership Joe Vandura,Dan Perugini, John P. Geraghty , John SteinerCharles Mazza , Don Pesce and every DTN Brother send our thanks and appreciate for a job very well done.

    TC is a true blue Delt, a former Senior Patron (and a tough one too)a man of his word, and a tireless supporter of DTN. THANK YOU TC!